Pink Floral Dress c/o
similar Boater Hat
Round Sunglasses
Hoop Earrings
It’s my 31st birthday today and although I’ve never been a big birthday person — I’m feeling extremely grateful and humbled for 31 years. This little blog started almost 6 years ago as a place where I could share fashion and beauty advice with women and it’s still kind of hard to believe that’s it’s my full-time gig. I get to connect with all of you for a living and share things I’m passionate about. I like to think of myself as a “content creator” and the blog world has changed so much since I entered it back in 2011. It’s now expected to get personal and not just share the highlights — something I constantly struggle with. It’s not that I’m not open to sharing… I’ve loved connecting with you all and LOVE when I receive emails, comments, and direct messages from you. I just never in a million years considered myself interesting enough for people to follow along with day-to-day, but I have to remind myself that I’ve built my own little community! If you want to see the messy and unfiltered side of life — my unorganized closet, nights on the couch with my husband, no makeup and topknots (+ some chin acne), I’m going to do my best to give it to you! So, in an effort for us all to know each other a bit better, I’m sharing 31 things you might not know about me.
one. My middle name is Rae named after my great grandfather and my mom (who also has the same middle name).
two. I like dogs better than cats. I know, what a terrible fur mom I am (sorry, Mischa). But it’s true. Since we have a himalayan cat (who has her own Instagram @mischathehimalayan), I often get called a “cat lady” and people assume I like cats better than dogs. Absolutely 100% the opposite… I just happen to love my cat. I love dogs so much that I have been known to tear up in the presence of one and when I see a King Charles, I usually have to keep myself from bursting into tears. I haven’t seen Raja yet this morning, so maybe he got me a puppy for my birthday. Can you all bug him for me, k thanks? — @rajatarabishy.
three. Speaking of Mr. Oh So Glam, we’ve been married for almost 2 years and together for 10. We met my junior year of college at UCONN — he was just about to graduate as a 5th year senior… and, if you know Raj at all (who is known to take his sweet ass time with everything), you know that totally makes sense. During his 5th year, he chartered a Marketing and Sales Fraternity on campus (such an entrepreneur) called Pi Sigma Epsilon, and I actually FACEBOOK messaged him to see if I could come to a meeting and join the academic frat. Is this not such NERD ALERT status?! Raj had one of those annoying Facebook profile pictures where there was about 10 other guys in it (#thecrew), so I was unable to even tell which one he was. I almost passed out when I walked through the door and met him for the first time. Totally unfair, because I had a NORMAL profile picture with just me (in my cheerleading uniform obv), so he got to stalk the F out of me prior to me walking in. A few months later, we got to hang out (outside the classroom meetings), and the rest is history.
four. My favorite color is actually PURPLE (not pink shockingly). I had a lavender room at my parent’s house growing up and purple duvets all throughout college.
five. I could eat Mexican food every. single. night.

six. I used to dance and cheer professionally for a couple of pro sports teams in Connecticut (after being captain of my dance teams for both high school and college). I think we got paid something like $50 a game (which was freaking amazing when you’re 18) and I thought I was a millionaire. I would save up that money and buy myself a pair of designer jeans… #truestory.
seven. I got a couple cool gigs from my semi-professional cheerleading days and was asked to be on “Deal or No Deal” when Howie Mandel had a show at Foxwoods Casino. I was one of the briefcase gals and was holding the one with $750,000 in it. When I was selected SECOND (and that meant the person playing just eliminated the second highest prize), people booed me.
eight. I love red wine but can’t drink it because it gives me the. worst. headaches. Seriously, one sip will give me a headache like I drank 2 bottles.
nine. I am cold 90% of the time. I have about 10 throw blankets around the house and always need to cover myself with one (or three). I get this little fun trait from my Dad.
ten. My worst habit is playing with my hair. I twirl my hair in my hand when I’m deep in thought or bored, and pick my split ends when I’m nervous.
eleven. I am seriously the most disorganized human. Well, it’s not even disorganized because I actually do know where everything IS… I just don’t put everything away. There are piles of my clothes (and stuff) in every room in our house. My beauty draws are overflowing and I really don’t even wear THAT much makeup. Everyone always asks for a closet tour and I would honestly feel bad if you saw what it normally looks like. My husband on the other hand hates clutter… so you can imagine how happy I make him.
twelve. I am somewhat domestic, though! I looooove to cook. We’re currently house hunting, and my #1 priority is a nice kitchen layout. I’ve had such great feedback when I’ve shared my recipes on Instagram Stories and am excited to let you all in on a little secret — there will be a food series launching on Oh So Glam VERY soon!

thirteen. I am actually extremely shy. I warm up once I know you, but I think my shyness can come off as standoff-ish since I’m not super bubbly. My parents always tell the story of how my little brother (who is three years younger than me) would have to order for me as a restaurant since I was too shy to talk to the waiter. Musical theater growing up helped, but I think it was only because I got to PLAY something else. I know… so how am I blogger?! I get nervous every single time I have to talk into the camera for Instagram Stories and I’m honestly too afraid to go “live” on Instagram. I give anyone such PROPS who this all comes naturally to. I’m seriously envious.
fourteen. My grandparents used to summer in Nashville for 40+ years and that’s where my love of country music comes from. My grandpa used to look like a country star (evidence HERE with me as a toddler), and I used to love going to visit them when they were at their timeshare there for a month! They went to the first CMA fest — which used to be called Fan Fair back in the day, and LOVED that we started carrying on the tradition! I bring my grandpa back a tee-shirt every single time I go to CMA fest now!
fifteen. If I didn’t live in Connecticut… I would live in Nashville. I stayed in Connecticut for family, but if it was up to me, I would move to Nashville in a heartbeat.
sixteen. I’m not much a crier but the WEIRDEST things get me. I didn’t cry one single tear at my own wedding but I’ve definitely teared up at my friend’s weddings, but the most random things get me. The latest example? I was at my best friend Dana’s wedding a few weeks ago and when the wedding planner asked her grandparents to all line up at the rehearsal to practice walking down the aisle, I lost it. My other best friend Rissa saw me and was like, “SERIOUSLY?! You cry at the most RANDOM things!” and then we both burst out laughing.
seventeen. My name is Christina and there are about 27 nicknames that could come off of that. Most people just call me Christina, my brother calls me Stina, my best friends growing up from home call me Stine, and my husband calls me Kiki (or Keeks). I’m up for anything — but I hate TINA with a passion.
eighteen. My favorite gift ever was getting Mischa for our 5 year dating anniversary. We started calling ourselves a little family then!
nineteen. I graduated from the University of Connection with an English degree. My dad was so against me majoring in English at first (and wanted me to major in Business for obvious reasons), but I was able to land myself a PR internship through the English department because of the emphasis on writing skills that come with any English degree. My English college courses were some of my absolute favorites and didn’t even feel like school for me. I got to read some of the greatest books of all time and then write about them… it was a dream!
twenty. I am TERRIBLE at math. Like terrible. Embarrassingly terrible.

twenty one. I don’t have much of a sweet tooth and always prefer something savory. I also hate ice-cream which people find insanely odd.
twenty two. I refuse to drink hot coffee in the summertime (or anytime I’m in hot weather). I love iced-coffee with almond milk — which I’m currently drinking as I type this!
twenty three. I have a weird eye phobia. My best friend Dana used to make fun of me and then BECAME AN EYE DOCTOR (seriously… the irony there). I get super nauseous putting on prescription eye glasses or anything polarized and loathe the test at the eye doctor where they make you test your vision using the different prescription levels. And don’t get me started on the ones where they make you look for blue and red dots or blow air in your eye. VOM.
twenty four. Although I love summer, fall is definitely my favorite season to be in Connecticut.
twenty five. Hydrangeas are my favorite flowers. They remind me of Newport and Martha’s Vineyard where we grew up going!
twenty six. My favorite TV show ever is Friends. I could recite every single line and anytime anything happens in life, I always turn to Raja and say, “There was a FRIENDS episode…” and he always rolls his eyes and laughs, because THERE IS ALWAYS AN EPISODE. I was also cast as Rachel Greene when my high school did an adaptation play of it when I was a sophomore. My current favorite TV show is Pretty Little Liars (which just ended a few weeks ago). No, I cannot talk about that ending…
twenty seven. Traveling to Iceland is on my bucket list.

twenty eight. I used to ride horses competitively and even won a few blue ribbons! I gave it up to dance and find myself wishing I didn’t! Might be time to get back in the saddle!
twenty nine. My favorite movie is Wedding Crashers. Or Just Married.
thirty. I love jumping into water. The higher the jump point, the better the rush. I will not share where I used to jump off as a teenager (because my mom reads here and would have a heart attack), but it was HIGH.
thirty one. This list was really long. Damn, 31 is old. Are you even still reading!? If so, THANK YOU!
all photos Jessica Meade
July 9, 2017 at 9:34 amHAPPY BIRTHDAY! Here’s to another year of being fabulous!
July 9, 2017 at 12:18 pmHappy Birthday Christina! I loved this post! I hope this new year of life is your best yet 🙂 Chloé xx
July 9, 2017 at 4:37 pmI loved reading this post and was so happy that, as your mother, I knew 29 of the 31 interesting facts about you. I did not know that “Wedding Crashers” is your favorite movie, and yes, I am having heart palpitations wondering if your highest jump into a body of water involves the Indian Well! Happy 31st Birthday, Sweetheart!
July 9, 2017 at 6:23 pmWe have a lot in common! Except the ice cream thing… everything else though 👌🏻
July 10, 2017 at 10:46 amHAHA that’s what everyone says!
July 9, 2017 at 9:17 pmHappy birthday! I hope you got a puppy! And no, 31 is not old! I’ll be 31 in September.
July 10, 2017 at 10:47 amThank you! I didn’t get a puppy unfortunately — the hubby got me a brand new bike instead! There’s always anniversaries and Christmas, though! Stay tuned… 😉
Anna White
July 9, 2017 at 11:49 pmHappy birthday! I wish you would move to Nashville so we can be friends!! Haha! Xo-
Anna | http://www.parkavenueblogger.com
July 10, 2017 at 10:47 amBE RIGHT THERE! 😉
July 10, 2017 at 9:00 amSo fun, thank you for sharing! Happy Birthday, Christina! …. oh, and num 5, yes yes yes yes YES!
July 10, 2017 at 10:48 amYESSSSS! 😉
July 10, 2017 at 12:02 pmHappy Birthday to one of my favorites!!! Much love to you on your special day and can’t wait to learn more about your food series! You know Eat IN Connecticut would LOVE to support you!!
Camille - Paisley Grace Boutique
July 24, 2017 at 3:41 pmLOVE the precious pink sundress on you! And I am a huge fan of Friends and hydrangeas too. 🙂 Hope your birthday was wonderful!